First Nations Data Collection

What is the project?

The aim of the First Nations Data Collection project is to create a First Nations-led, informed, and adaptable data collection tool focusing on the area of houselessness within First Nations communities.

Why is it needed? 

There are several gaps that exist related to data collection, specifically for First Nations communities. We are hoping to help bridge these gaps and create a means for First Nations communities to define what houselessness means to them.

We want communities to have their own methods of collecting data that is accurate, accessible, and easy to use.

Project outcomes

  • Develop this tool with recommendations for future intentions and uses.
  • Communities will be able to choose how often they would like to use the tool.
  • Communities can decide how the tool might work best for them (Ex: Use the tool for funding purposes and/or to regularly update community information).
  • Continue developing our relationships between Nations and RDN, as RDN is able to provide additional support to communities in varying capacities.
  • Address the gaps that exists in the realm of houselessness data gathering and potential funding opportunities for First Nations communities.
  • Mobilize the tool through a step-by-step guide that depicts the process of the creation and implementation of this tool for other Nations across Canada to access and use.


Throughout the entirety of this project, we are focused on maintaining a high level of collaboration with communities. This means our team having an ongoing relationship with communities to ensure our deliverables are reflective of our findings.

We strongly believe that to develop the best data collection tool possible, we need to involve community members. Coming from Indigenous backgrounds, we understand the importance of respect and reciprocity, especially when it comes to processes of data collection.

We are mindful, and recognize that every nation we engage is unique. Therefore, we commit to embed your values, and beliefs within the tool.

Get involved

This project is not possible without guidance and collaboration from each First Nations community. If you'd like to connect to discuss how to participate or get involved, please email Taylor Sparklingeyes, project manager.

    For more information, Please Contact:

    Linda Bernicki