Alberta Rural Law Opportunities (ARLO)(Completed)

Rural Alberta is experiencing a “Greying of the Bar” where a whole cohort of aging lawyers will soon exit the profession. ARLO is a bilingual project that helps with the succession of lawyers in rural Alberta by matching young law students with summer and articling positions in rural communities. However, students are not always aware of the great opportunities that exist in rural Alberta where positions in rural law firms are rarely advertised. On the other hand, rural lawyers sometimes need encouragement to make positions available as a way to ensure the succession of their practice and accessibility of legal services in their community.

If you are looking for legal information, please consult the following websites:

Pro Bono Law Alberta (PBLA)

Alberta Legal Information Society (ALIS) - LegalAve

Native Counselling Services of Alberta (NCSA)

    For more information, Please Contact:

    Lisa Bélanger